MONET Engages Elementary Students in Hands-On Materials Science at STEM Night
On February 15, 2024, MONET trainees Grace Yao, Annika (Alex) Foret, and Jafer Vakil from Stephen Craig's lab at Duke University led an engaging materials science outreach event at Olive Chapel Elementary School's STEM Night. Approximately 200 participants attended the event, which highlighted the need for age-appropriate, intuitive activities to effectively engage younger students aged 7-10.
MONET's commitment to inspiring the next generation of scientists was on full display at Olive Chapel Elementary School's STEM Night on February 15, 2024. MONET trainees Grace Yao, Annika (Alex) Foret, and Jafer Vakil from Stephen Craig's lab at Duke University led an engaging materials science outreach event that attracted approximately 200 participants.
The event showcased the importance of tailoring educational activities to specific age groups. While the current materials science kit was designed for high school students, incorporating more intuitive, age-appropriate activities could greatly enhance the learning experience for younger students aged 7-10. Grace Yao, one of the event leaders, suggested that the kit could benefit from an additional protocol that is more accessible to younger children, such as demonstrating how water flows through different layers of materials, rather than relying on more complex tasks like using a protractor and calculating Young's modulus.
By adapting the materials science kit to better suit the needs and abilities of younger students, MONET can more effectively engage and inspire elementary-aged children to explore the fascinating world of materials science. This feedback highlights the importance of continuously refining and improving outreach activities to ensure that they are both engaging and developmentally appropriate for the target audience.
The Olive Chapel Elementary community will create a collaborative environment that ignites a passion for learning in all children so that they reach their full potential.
The Olive Chapel Elementary community will create a collaborative environment that ignites a passion for learning in all children so that they reach their full potential.