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As a center, we seek partnership opportunities with other institutions, researchers, outreach efforts, and industry.


To view and sort current partnership opportunities by type, use the tags below:

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Senior investigators in the labs comprising MONET are looking for post-baccuhelorate researchers for their Ph.D. and M.S. programs.

Graduate Research Opportunities

Senior investigators in the labs comprising MONET are looking for post-baccuhelorate researchers for their Ph.D. and M.S. programs.

Share informal science discovery through engaging activities! MONET's Outreach Kit Program brings the excitement of scientific research to informal learning environments, from K-12 classrooms to camps, homeschooling, and adult education. Experience the wonders of polymers, materials science, and more through hands-on activities and interactive resources.

MONET's Outreach Kit Program

Share informal science discovery through engaging activities! MONET's Outreach Kit Program brings the excitement of scientific research to informal learning environments, from K-12 classrooms to camps, homeschooling, and adult education. Experience the wonders of polymers, materials science, and more through hands-on activities and interactive resources.

MONET seeks postdoctoral trainees for The Molecular Science and Integrated Collaboration (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.

MOSAIC Fellowship

MONET seeks postdoctoral trainees for The Molecular Science and Integrated Collaboration (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Every summer, MONET hosts a Undergraduate Research Experiences (or URE) Program. Our URE Program is unique in that, as a center, Undergraduates can participate in collaborative projects receiving mentorship from multiple Investigators across different labs. 

These projects are designed to promote scientific progress and allow students to gain valuable hands-on experience in the field. By participating in these research experiences, students can develop their research skills, network with professionals in their field, and make meaningful contributions to scientific knowledge. 

We accept applications every winter for projects starting the following summer.

Opportunities for Undergraduate Research

Every summer, MONET hosts a Undergraduate Research Experiences (or URE) Program. Our URE Program is unique in that, as a center, Undergraduates can participate in collaborative projects receiving mentorship from multiple Investigators across different labs.

These projects are designed to promote scientific progress and allow students to gain valuable hands-on experience in the field. By participating in these research experiences, students can develop their research skills, network with professionals in their field, and make meaningful contributions to scientific knowledge.

We accept applications every winter for projects starting the following summer.

MONET seeks to partner with Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) for the NSF-CHE Partnerships for Research and Education in Chemistry (PREC) program.

Partnerships for Research and Education in Chemistry (PREC)

MONET seeks to partner with Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) for the NSF-CHE Partnerships for Research and Education in Chemistry (PREC) program.

We have successfully partnered with industry to support innovations in technology, data, and education.

Partnerships in Industry

We have successfully partnered with industry to support innovations in technology, data, and education.

MONET is committed to diversifying all STEM fields by broadening participation in underrepresented groups.  

We are always looking for new, broadening participation partners. 

To propose a broadening participation partnership, please contact us here.

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